Adoptions & Surrogacy
For adoptive parents, we provide advice concerning the adoption process and the rights of the respective parties. We prepare and file the necessary court documents, and when applicable, we work with the attorneys for the birth parents in preparing the necessary documents for the Interstate Compact. We stay in frequent contact with attorneys for the birth parents to monitor the birth mother’s progress and stay apprised of any issues that may arise. Finally, we appear in Probate Court with adoptive parent(s) and the child for the final adoption hearing.
For birth parents, we provide advice concerning the adoption process and the rights of the respective parties. We prepare and file the necessary documents, and when applicable, assemble and file the necessary documents for the Interstate Compact. Finally, we appear with the birth parents in Probate Court for the consent hearing.
We do not prepare home studies or provide counseling services to birth parents, as Maine law requires that those services be provided by a licensed child placing agency or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Adoptions/ Surrogacy